
Showing posts from June, 2018

Take Signature in CRM Application

Hello, many times we’ll get requirement to add Signature into CRM form and put it into some reports for some Documents. You can export that Signature into Reports as well as in Word templates. So here is your answer... Create Web Resource of HTML: Add below code to it: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <html><head>       <title>Signature</title>       <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>       <script src="new_jSignature.min"></script>   <meta><meta><meta><meta><meta><meta><meta><meta></head>       <body style="word-wrap: break-word;">         ...

Copy Subgrid data from one entity to another entity

Hello, We can copy data from one entity to another using System workflow. But many times we are getting requirement of copy Subgrid from one entity to another entity. So here is your answer... Subgrid is nothing but the relationship between two entities. So if you want to copy the Subgrid then, you need to create relationship with the record and Subgrid records. This can be achievable by writing custom workflow or Plugin. Let’s take an Example as we want to Copy Subgrid of C from Entity A to Entity B. In Entity A we have condition, on change of record "Copy Record from A to B" to "Yes", Subgrid Entity C should be copied from A to Entity B Entity A: Entity B: So I am creating System workflow, in which I’ll call Custom Workflow: Steps to follow: Let’ first create Custom Workflow: 1. Retrieve all record of Subgrid C from entity A using relationship condition QueryExpression query_data = new QueryExpression("new_entityc...